Company Formation & Special Tax Zone Application Services

a turnkey solution to join the canary islands special tax zone

Remove the guesswork on how to navigate Spain´s bureaucratic procedures.

We draft all of the documentation required guaranteeing full compliance with the regulatory framework for approval under the exclusive Special Tax Zone.

Special Tax Zone Application

In order to be accepted in the Canary Islands Special Tax Zone the company is required to file a detailed authorization report along with a dossier explaining their business project, including financial forecasts and the impact on the Canarian economy.

At Fasamon Capital we take care of the complete the Authorization Procedure, including:

  1. Full draft of Authorization Report
  2. Business Project Presentation & Financial models 
  3. Impact Report on the Canarian Economy
  4. Translation of all official documents to Spanish.

Company Formation

From A to Z we advise and organize the creation of the limited company (Sociedad Limitada or S.L.) in a timely manner including:

  1. Full draft of Company constitution
  2. Public Notary  Services
  3. Registration at the Mercantile Registry.

Formal Introduction to Public and Private Institutions

Having a company presence at a local level from the start is an effective way to open dialogues with key stakeholders which can propel your business venture forward regionally, nationally and internationally.

Public institutions in the Canary Islands,  like universities and research centers, can be ideal candidates for public-private partnerships which can further advance the development of your company. In addition, public institutions offer grants for R&D, hiring incentives and other benefits which may be of interest to your business venture.

In the private sector, Fasamon Capital offers introductions to specialized local SMEs as well as global Canarian corporate leaders in the tourism and naval industry amongst others.

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