contrarian solutions for international business

united by vision at the intersection of people and ideas

Fasamon Capital – a boutique firm based in the Canary Islands (Spain) interconnecting continents through the development and implementation of strategic contrarian solutions for entrepreneurs, investors and companies to internationalize their business. Our contrarian approach to the marketplace provides us with a unique angle to effectively tackle today’s fast evolving challenges and growing market uncertainty. Coming from a small island, we understand the importance of community trust hence, maintaining a pristine reputation is embedded in our DNA.

A Contrarian Approach

From the macro vision to the intricate details we apply our contrarian approach to help entrepreneurs deviate from average results produced by conventional views. Rather than reselling pre-made solutions, we develop a case-by-case framework by fusing precious local understanding of the marketplace with macro economic trends to support individuals and businesses navigate today’s challenges. Extraordinary results require extraordinary actions. Our ample network of contacts in Africa, Europe, the Americas and Middle East often collaborate with clearing  a contrarian path towards excellence.


Our Founder, Fadel

Half Spaniard, half Mauritanian, born and raised in the Canary Islands, with an Economics degree from the prestigious Johns Hopkins University in the USA, and a Master’s in Blockchain Technology from the Zigurat Institute of Technology in Spain, Fadel Saadbouh Montesdeoca embodies the meaning of being a global citizen.

He began his career as an economist and international business consultant at his family’s firm, for the consultancy branch of A.T. Tawaz, collaborating in trade missions promoted by the Canarian government, and in the development of internationalization strategies for foreign companies in the tech, mining and oil & gas industry. Fadel’s global experience combined with his multicultural awareness, open mindedness, and strategic thinking have allowed him to build a global network of elite contacts while offering consultancy solutions to clients from around the world.

Fadel decided to venture out as the founder and managing director of Fasamon Capital – contrarian solutions for international business. The firm is specialized in offering turn key solutions to help out companies maximize their capital returns by establishing a base in the Canary Islands Special Tax Zone, while also opening up new business opportunities in foreign markets.

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